The YLC program is a strategic program that is aimed to continuously and systematically employ and cultivate young researchers and is governed by the Nagoya University given the fact that recruiting and retention of the good quality and good quantity of the young researchers, in particular assistant professors, is the most significant issue for continuously developing an education and research in the Nagoya University into the future. YLC faculty staff
The program aimed at promote the pioneering research field and innovative researches by supporting the young researchers including termed position or post-docs to widen their scope of researches. The units have brought significant achievements; unit leader founded a venture company, won a numerous awards. Learn more about the Young Researcher Unit. ⇒
This program aims to invite one or two world-leading researchers from overseas institutions (those holding an appointment equivalent to professor or associate professor) to engage in discussions, seminars, and opinion exchanges with particularly the faculty, postdocs, and graduate students of the host department. By hosting a symposium (workshop) as in item 3 below, it seeks to reinforce Nagoya University’s presence in the fields concerned both across Japan and overseas. 2019 Dr. Guy Le Lay (Prof. of Aix-Marseille University) and Prof. Ueli Grossniklaus (Prof. of University of Zurich), were selected for this fellowship. While they were visiting Nagoya …
This project has initiated from academic year 2017, taking over the former IAR project. The project supports interdisciplinary researches and international collaborations. The successful candidates can invite outstanding researchers from oversea hold symposium, and outreach events.
The Institute co-organize the fellowship program with the Freiburg University, IAS (FRIAS) to strengthen the partnership between Nagoya IAR to FRIAS. In this project, research teams from both universities collaborate on the on-going or new research projects. Both Institutes support the researchers for interpersonal exchange and the long-term visits. The following programs have been accepted. 2018-2019 How Traditions of Economic Thinking Shape Economic Policies Prof. Oliver Landmann and Prof. Hans-Helmut Kotz from the University of Freiburg and …
UBIAS (University-Based Institute for Advanced Study) is an international network of the institutes for advanced study operated directly by University. The network consists of 28 universities in Europe, 8 in Asia, 8 in North- and South-America, 2 in Africa and 1 each in Middle east and Australia. It aimed at to have a outstanding studies through fellowship programs and international and interdisciplinary workshops. The IAR, Nagoya plays an central role as a steering committee of the UBIAS. In 2015, IAR …