Professor Masahiko Morinaga
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Bachelor : Kyoto University, 1969
Master : Kyoto University, 1971
Ph. D. : Northwestern University, 1978
1979-1983 Lecturer, Toyohashi University of Technology,
1983-1991 Associate Professor,
      Toyohashi University of Technology
1991-1994 Professor, Toyohashi University of Technology 1994-1997 Professor, School of Engineering,
       Nagoya University
1997- 2003 Professor, Graduate School of Engineering,
       Nagoya University
2003-    Professor, Graduate School of Engineering &
       Institute for Advanced Research,
       Nagoya University
Awards and Honors
1988  The Japan Institute of Metals, Meritorious Award
1990  The Nagai Foundation for Science and Technology,
     Science Award
2001  The Society of Discrete Variational Xa ,
     Science Award
Field of Research and Research Interests
Selected Publication